TITLE: The Blood of Emmett Till
AUTHOR: Timothy B. Tyson
PUBLISHER: Simon & Schuster
PUBLISHED DATE: January 31, 2017
ISBN: 978-1476714844
PAGES: 304
This is an incredible book that delves into the details of the murder of Emmett Till, the horrendous racial attitudes and murderous climate throughout the country, and the aftermath of the killing of a teen aged boy and how it changed America.
Through extensive research and interviews, Tyson shows us what kind of evil allowed Till to be killed - a psychology built on keeping black people in their places by inflicting and instilling fear - a rhetoric very relevant and visible even today. When you read about the brutality Till endured, only to learn that after all this time, Caroline Bryant, the woman who falsely accused Till, admitted to lying about the incident that lead to this murder...it is crushing. This is a very important book that is a must read.
Recommendation: Required
Audience: Everyone
*I borrowed the audiobook from my library Hoopla account.