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"Fat Angie" by e.E. Charlton-Trujillo

Miss Fabularian

TITLE: Fat Angie

PUBLISHER: Candlewick

PUBLISHED DATE: March 12, 2013

ISBN: 978-0763661199

PAGES: 272


This book was SO GOOD! Such a strong and resounding voice. I read it in one afternoon. ( kids were away for the weekend, so I binged). This was AudioSYNC's book of the week, and I had it circled on my calendar, and this book did not disappoint.

Fat Angie is dealing with A LOT. Her sister has disappeared in Iraq, leaving Fat Angie in a distressed emotional state. After a suicide attempt in front of her entire school, she is also the target of bullying - specifically at the hands of resident mean girl, Stacy Ann. To cope, Fat Angie eats - a lot. Fat Angie's "couldn't-be-bothered-mother" is completely detached, and spends more time with Fat Angie's adopted brother, Wang's, court appointed therapist. Just when Fat Angie least expects it, she gets a pleasant surprise. Drop dead gorgeous KC turns up at school, and wants to be Angie's friend...this gives Angie an uncomfortable camel-toe which later reveals itself when you read the story...

This book has a lot going on...but it hits so many right notes, and it's a book that you could sit down and read cover to cover.

Recommendation: Read it!

Audience: Young Adults (Grade 9 and up)

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