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"Grace, Grits and Ghosts: Southern Short Stories" by Susan Gabriel

Miss Fabularian

PUBLISHER: Wild Lily Arts

PUBLISHED: November 17, 2015

ISBN: 978-0983588283

PAGES: 106

First of all...the title of this book is everything. Grace....grits...and ghosts...what is there to hate about that!? I found this book for sale on my audible binge, and it was a very short and satisfying listen. Though I appreciated Gabriel's story about the young Gullah woman, it didn't read as truly authentic. Notable was the story about the 70 year old women who find healing in the woods. This was a nice gem, and I'm glad I happened upon it.

Recommendation: For Short Story fans...I typically only like novels. Short stories usually aren't filling enough for me - but I couldn't pass up this title!

Audience: Millennials and up

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